Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Art 254 - 21st Birthday Dinner Invitations

So at first I was trying to design around having shot glasses with the invitation type contained within the shadow of the glasses... Originally I was going to have different type of alcohol drink glasses but had trouble finding separate images that would match.

I pushed some very vibrant colors with this concept... The vibrant colors didn't get very good reviews as they portrayed more of a beach party theme instead of the 21st birthday party I was trying to achieve. Below are two samples I had of the shot glass & shadow concept.

I still wanted to try making a concept where I would fit text into a square box. I first tried hand rendering the text. I like how the bottom half looks but the top part looks a bit static to me...

Then I completely changed my dinner invitations... I decided to go away from the colored shot glasses and take images of my own.

I still wanted to go with the text fitted into a box concept, however my hand rendered type wasn't as effective as I had envisioned, so I tried it out on the computer and took out the letter I's in invited to be replaced by images of shot glasses...

I am pretty happy with how this part came out so far... I am not sure though if I want to keep the tight leading or should I give the lines some to breathe?

Next I added some color to help with hierarchy since I had some of the lines laying right on top of each other. I also photoshopped the shot glasses and removed the las vegas logo.

I tried moving some of the type around and playing with different locations to place some of the text. I added some details in the bottom and thought it'd be good to include info regarding what the party was for.

In the previous version I had "twentyfirst" laid in white sideways over the 1 in the 21... After I printed it out I thought it'd be a little distracting so I removed it... I think it may work a little better.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Art 254 - Dinner Invitatation Sketches and Mood Board

Here are some of the initial ideas I have for the dinner invitations I'm designing. I think so far I like the broken glass concept the most. I also like the Panels/Tech concept but am not sure if it would fit very well being for a 21st birthday party invitation.

Below is a mood board of some designs and concepts I was drawn to when doing some research...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sophomore Portfolio Review - Tentative Selections

So the big and scary portfolio review that everyone is stressing about is coming up soon... Here is a list of the 10 items I have planned for the review...

1. Exposure Magazine (completed Art 200, 24 page photography magazine)
2. US Landmark Stamp series (completed Art 224, 5 regional stamps collection)
3. Dorlite typeface & promo item (completed Art 254, experimental typeface design & promo)
4. Garamond type spec poster (completed Art 225, decorative poster with informational side)
5. Nissan GTR (completed Art 210, AI gradient mesh rendered Nissan GTR car)
6. IPRC DIY lecture series (completed Art 224, 3 piece lecture series poster)
7. Coffee Booklet (completed Art 115, 10 page multi-media book with coffee mug as primary object)
8. Kylie Minogue CD cover (completed Art 224, CD covers designed to single "Like a Drug")
9. Nature Made Vitamins (IN PROGRESS Art 225, 3 vitamin package designs 2 bottles & 1 box)
10. Dinner Party Invitation (IN PROGRESS Art 254, dinner party design for 21st birthday)

Some projects outside looking in... Here are some other projects that I may consider using as well...

1. Golden Gates (completed Art 210, event poster for car meet)
2. Book Covers (IN PROGRESS Art 254, 3 book cover series)
3. Tupac Drawing (completed Art 131, surrealistic graphite drawing of Tupac Shakur)